Luna has come in for several acupuncture treatments with Dr. Jennifer Akers. As Luna ages the acupuncture treatments have aided greatly in preventing and reducing osteoarthritis.
Barry is one of our famous lobby fish! Our doctors have been monitoring him for some time because he started forming a small mass that grew very large very quickly.
Thanks to Dr. Amy Guernsey it has been removed and he seems to be doing much better now.
Billy Ray chicken says "I'm gonna take my chicken to the old town road!" Billy Ray came in for a beak trim and alignment correction. When a bird beak begins to grow abnormally it is vital to have it corrected quickly or it may cause lasting damage.
This is Lucy, she is a Cotton Patch goose, they are a critically endangered domesticated goose. She came to visit the doctors of University Veterinary Care Center for a check up and bloodwork to verify her gender.
We had a Jungle Book character come and visit the clinic! It was quite the spectacle; she came in a large rolling Rubbermaid tote. Kaa is approximately 11ft long and 40 pounds.
This may come as a surprise to learn, but veterinary technicians are the unsung heroes of the veterinary field. National Veterinary Technician Week is not just celebrated to recognize veterinary technician’s hard work, it is also the best week to educate the public about this mysterious veterinary staff member.
Read More >Imagine never brushing your teeth or visiting the dentist...morning breath wouldn't even begin to describe the smell! Even worse would be the chronic pain, discomfort when eating and loss of teeth. But is there anything that can be done to prevent this in our pets? The answer is yes, and it's called a COHAT.
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